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PriChan Wiki
Kanji ミラクル☆キラッツ
Romaji Mirakuru☆Kirattsu
Status Active
Members Mirai Momoyama (Center)
Emo Moegi
Rinka Aoba
Mascot KiracCHU
Anime Episode 03 - Creating an Idol Song!

Miracle☆Kiratts (ミラクル☆キラッツ Mirakuru☆Kirattsu) is a Pri☆Channel and the second to be introduced. It was introduced in episode 03 and created by Mirai Momoyama, Emo Moegi, and Rinka Aoba. As of episode 149 , they are the top idols.


Mirai and Emo always dreamed of being Pri☆Chan Idols since they were kids. After Emo and Anna argued for the first time, Emo told Anna that she would become a famous Pri☆Chan Idol. This led to Emo and Mirai going to Prism Stone to finally start their Pri☆Channel. At first, they were nervous and wanted not to debut because of this. Mirai managed to encourage Emo and lighten the mood, finally debuting as Pri☆Chan Idols.

In episode 02, Mirai and Emo were trying to film a video, but Mirai ended up getting too nervous and jumbled her words. Because of this, they took a break, and as they were, they saw Rinka passing by. They went after her and ended up in Prism Stone where Meganee and Yuzuru were. Rinka is asked by Mirai and Emo if they can call her by her first name. Without giving much of an answer, they do it anyway. They leave Prism Stone together, and Rinka explains Pri☆Chan in more details to them, surprising the both of them in how knowledgeable she is. Rinka eventually decides to help them with Pri☆Chan filming and became their manager.

In episode 03, they were having trouble deciding on what they should name their Pri☆Channel. Eventually, they came up with the name, "Miracle☆Kiratts".



Performance Coords[]

Mirai Momoyama[]

Emo Moegi[]

Rinka Aoba[]




Other Programs[]

  • Episode 02 - We All Tried Flower Arrangement! (みんなで お花を アレンジ してみた, Minna de Ohana wo Arenji Shitemita)
  • Episode 03 - "I Tried Making Idol Song Lyrics!" (「アイドル曲の歌詞を 作ってみた!」, 「Aidorukyoku no Kashi wo Tsukuttemita!」)
  • Episode 04 - We Tried Entering the Kirajuku Sweets Festival! (スイーツ フェスティバルに エントリーしてみた!, Suītsu Fesutibaru ni Entorī Shitemita! )
  • Episode 05 - "We Tried Visiting an Accessory Shop!" (「アクセリーショップに 行ってみた!」, 「Akuserīshoppu ni Ittemita」)
  • Episode 06 - Simple Cooking Challenge (チャレンジ カンタン料理, Charenji Kantan Ryōri)
  • Episode 07 - "We Tried Shooting Cat Videos!" (「猫動画 撮ってみた!」, 「Neko Dōga Tottemita!」)
  • Episode 08 - We Tried Getting Cute♪ with Makeup☆ (メイクで♪ かわいくなってみた☆, Meiku de ♪ Kawaiku Nattemita☆)
  • Episode 09 - We Tried Kneading Clay in a Pottery Class (????, ????)
  • Episode 10 - Up Close and Personal: Their Secrets Revealed (人気の秘密にせまる, Ninki no Himitsu ni Semaru)
  • Episode 11 - We Tried Painting a Big Picture! (大きな絵おかいてみた, Ōkina e Okaitemita!)
  • Episode 15 - We Tried Sneaking Into the Dressing Room of a Magician! (マジシャンの楽屋に 潜入してみた, Majishan no Gayuka ni Sennyū Shitemita)
  • Episode 16 - We Tried to Wander in a Maze! (迷路でうろうろしてみた!, Meiro de Urōro Shitemita!)
  • Episode 17 - We Tried to Say Goodbye to Rinka with a Smile (りんかちゃんと 笑顔で さよならしてみた, Rinka Chan to Egao de Sayonara Shitemita)
  • Episode 20 - I Tried to Become a Mountain Girl! (山ガールに なってみた!, Yama Gāru ni Nattemita!)
  • Episode 23 - I Tried to Make a Cheering Flag~! (応援フラッグを つくってみた~!, Ōen furaggu o tsukuttemita~!)
  • Episode 33 - I Tried to Cheer for the Cute Festival! ( キューフェスで かわいいを応援してみた!, Kyūfesu de Kawaī wo Ōen Shitemita!)
  • Episode 116 - We Tried Making the Ideal Wedding (憧れのウェディングやってみた, Akogare no Uedingu Yattemita)
  • Episode 117 - We Tried Throwing a Birthday Party (バースデーパーティー やってみた, Bāsudē Pātī Yattemita)

Pri☆Channel Coord Introduction Gallery[]


See Miracle☆Kiratts/Image Gallery


  • This the second channel to use their Kiratto Coords in a song performance.
  • This is the second channel name to be introduced.
    • It is also the second channel to debut in the series, first being Meltic StAr.
  • In all their solo songs, their names are mentioned in the song in the form of a pun.
  • Miracle☆Kiratts’ positions on stage mirror the units MARs, TRiANGLE and MY☆DREAM- having the cool type idol on the left, the pop type idol on the right and the lovely type idol in the center.
  • Unlike Mirai and Emo, Rinka debuted as an Idol by herself with a solo song rather than a duet.
  • This is the first trio unit in the Pretty series that every member has a sibling.
  • This is the first unit in PriChan to have its own mascot.
  • The logo of Miracle☆Kiratts features every accessory from each of the member’s Kiratto Coord.
  • All of the members have a shade of eyes from the cool color spectrum.