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PriChan Wiki

The PriTama GO (プリたまGO PuriTama GO) is a brand new device introduced in the third season. It is an updated variant of the PriChan Cast and the Jewel Pact. Upon receiving a PriTama GO, the user gets a new mascot along with it, and a group only receives one mascot instead of each member having their own. It is namely used to help mascots grow.


The PriTama GO resembles an egg with a pastel shell, available in powder pink, mint blue, and misty purple. The top has a gem perched on a pair of gold or silver wings, and the lid that opens up is semi-clear with heart and ribbons etched on it, surrounding a heart-shaped window. The inside is entirely gold with ribbon detail surrounding the square-shaped screen. At the bottom are buttons shaped like a heart and wings.

PriTama GO Uses[]

  • Changing Coords - PriTickets are scanned into the PriTama GO, allowing the coords to pop out of their tickets and letting them appear on their user.
  • Communication - The item can be used to call others.
  • Recording and Uploading Videos - Managers or cameramen can use their PriTama GO to record and upload videos of PriChan idols.
  • Housing/Raising Mascots - When a channel releases content, they receive likes that allow their mascot to grow and achieve different forms, which includes their Pretty Mascot form and Idol Mascot form.
  • Transportation/Teleportation - As of episode 153, the PriTama GO can teleport people to the area they desire.

Known PriTama GO Users and Colors[]


  • The PriTama GO is based on a Tamagotchi.
  • The name is a pun for "Tamago" (卵), the japanese word for "egg".
  • Miracle☆Kiratts did not receive a mascot from the PriTama GO due to the fact that they already had KiracCHU prior to getting the item.
  • Unlike the PriChan Cast and Jewel Pact, the PriTama GO is not used for yattemitas.
  • The PriTama GO resembles Pokémon GO, the mobile app game where people go out and catch Pokémon.
  • In Episode 115 there is a Pritama Go Center which one attends a lectucre on how to use a Pritama Go and to take care of there mascot.


Real life goods[]


Anime Screenshots[]

OP: Illuminage・Land[]

Episode 103[]

Episode 128[]

Episode 136[]
